Tag Archives: backswing

The 9 positions and movements of the Amazing Angle swing training system

The following positions and movements are the foundation of the Amazing Angle swing training system !

1. An Effective address Position.
2. Moving the Club Away.
3. Ending the Backswing.
4. Transition, the First Move in the Downswing.
5. “Lagging the Amazing Angle Power Package” in the Downswing.
6. Impact.
7. Post Impact.
8. Straightening the “Triangle”.
9. Straight Balanced Finish.

These 9 positions and movements are the focal points for building or refurbishing your golf swing !

20130607-082242.jpgTop of the back swing



Practicing indoors, outdoors, anytime or anyplace, slowly and deliberately with the Amazing Angle swing training system will make you a better player!

Contact Keith Haley at for more information.

See the next post for a detailed description and explanation of the 9 positions and movements of the Amazing Angle swing training system.


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Moving the club away

The more I look at the swings of the greatest players, the more I am convinced that getting the club to the end of the backswing in a correct, advantageous position is accomplished by feeling the left shoulder move downward. This allows you to do two things, first, it helps keep your swing on an effective plane and second, it increases your ability to fully load your swing with your back and chest muscles while decreasing the potential for only using your hands and arms to get the club to the top. Some time ago, I spent some time with Mr. David Lee who is the creator of “gravity golf”. David is a man of few words and teaches the golf swing by getting his students to “feel” the golf swing not analyze it to death. David coined the term “heave” to start the move away of the club in the backswing. I like the term because it seems to me to be the opposite of “takeaway” which gives me the impression of using hands and arms which is diametrically opposed to using back and chest muscles. I often now refer to the first move in the backswing as a “heave”.

Regardless of which term you use, the movement is downward as well as back utilizing back and chest muscles as the first “in swing” movement.

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Starting your golf swing correctly definitely increases the potential for the correct first move in the downswing and later a great impact position.


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What about Rickie Fowlers golf swing, Part 2

Building on Rickie Fowlers golf swing Part 1, we are examining photos from the August 2012 issue of Golf Magazine. These are photos that will help you understand how to develop an inside delivery of your club head to impact.

In the last post, Part1, we took a look at Rickies “move away” position. I stated that I believe this “outside the hands” position begins and leads to a momentum “chain reaction” that moves the club on the downswing on an inside rather than outside swing path to impact.

Remember that all powerful golf swings begin with a connected move away of the forward shoulder in a “downward and backward” coiling movement. Note Rickie’s left shoulder position in picture 3.

Clearly, at the “left arm parallel position”, Rickies club is obviously in a much steeper position than in the “original shaft plane position” of picture 1. See below.


I think that putting the club in a steeper position at this point paves the way for a dropping down and backward movement to start the downswing, as seen in the swings of Jim Furyk and Sergio Garcia, both noted as great ball strikers, that have natural ” draw” ball flights. If you try this in practice, you would feel the loop movement, “outside to inside”. If you are currently coming “over the top” or “outside” on your downswing, you will feel the difference.

My point is as we will see in Parts 3 and 4 of this series, that this is an effective position to be in at this point in your golf swing. As I will show, it does in fact lead to an inside delivery of the club producing a ” right to left” or “draw” ball flight.

In the Amazing Angle Swing System training video, I state that “swing style” is not of significant importance to me. It is obvious that there are many different “looking” swings on the PGA tour. Eliminating your uncontrollable slice and establishing a consistent, effective ball flight is the significant issue.

Stay tuned for parts 3 and 4, and as always practice “slowly and deliberately”.

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Posted by on September 3, 2012 in swing analysis


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