Tag Archives: face angle

5 Factors that influence Distance and Directional Control in the Golf Swing

Yesterday while conducting a lesson with one of my regular students, I had a clarifying moment about the golf swing.

The 5 factors that I have listed in this post should be, in my opinion, defined as the most important factors that influence both Distance and Directional control in the golf swing.

Swing fundamentals are discussed ad nauseum. In my opinion, most of these discussions center on swing preferences for “style” not real swing fundamentals.

These are the fundamentals that my students must understand to improve their golf swings.

1. The direction that you aim your body parts at address, relative to the target line.

2. The direction of the club as it approaches the ball in the downswing prior to impact, (swing path).

3. The speed of the club to and through impact.

4. The angle of the club face at impact, relative to the swing path and target line.(face angle).

5. The ability to hit the back of the ball at impact and create a forward divot. (bottom of swing arc).

These are the true fundamentals of striking the ball and playing the game of golf.

When you practice, are you able to focus on anything that resembles these factors ? If not, I bet you are not improving.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please email me at

Practice deliberately and slowly.

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in playing the game


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