Tag Archives: golf swing training

Amazing Angle demo day at Golfsmith this Saturday!

It is my pleasure to announce the first demo day for the Amazing Angle golf swing trainer.

Please come and visit us this Saturday 6/14, at the Golfsmith store on Sawmill Rd.

This is your opportunity to see and feel how the Amazing Angle can help you improve your golf swing, anytime and anywhere, utilizing the principle of “slow and deliberate practice”.

Before you leave, don’t forget to register for a FREE Amazing Angle provided by your Golfsmith store!





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An explanation for the development of the Amazing Angle golf swing trainer !

Based upon my observations over the last 20 years, during real time instructional sessions with my students, I found that those students who had chronic problems striking the golf ball adequately, demonstrated the tendency to violate one or more of the 7 positions and movements identified in the Amazing Angle swing training system.

These 7 positions are readily accepted as critical basic swing positions and movements currently being taught by golf instructors.

The number and severity of these violations were directly reflected in the players’ inability to arrive at a functional impact position thereby degrading the ball strike and the players ability to control ball flight.

After doing research on how human beings learn, I discovered that the experts have identified how and why some people become “super learners”. This process of learning that produces “genius quality results” is referred to as “deliberate practice”. Deliberate practice is simply breaking a total, whole movement down into its basic parts, practicing the parts until perfect and then putting the parts back together again. The more any student practices in this fashion, regardless of the motivation, the better the student will become at the whole movement.

Because we know from observation that all good players don’t look alike, consider Jim Furyk, Bubba Watson or Fred Couples just to name a few, we know that the positions and movements that these players demonstrate must be able to be “individually customized” without jeopardizing the ability to strike the ball effectively and control the ball flight consistently. In the Amazing Angle swing training system, I call this “customizing functional positions and movements”.

When doing their due diligence practice with the Amazing Angle, my students were consistently able to develop effective “customized” positions and movements in their golf swings. Through what I now refer to as “slow and deliberate” practice, students consistently improved ball striking by becoming better at the 7 positions and movements targeted by the Amazing Angle swing training system.

In other words, there was no confusion about what to practice, students knew exactly where their violations were occurring, and were able to improve or eliminate them!

It is important to stress the fact that the students who were the most successful in improving their golf swings, were the ones most dedicated to practicing “slowly and deliberately” during a regularly scheduled and applied practice regimen.

Simply, the patented “user friendly” design of the Amazing Angle golf swing trainer makes it easy for anyone to improve their golf swing, anytime or anywhere!


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