Tag Archives: structure

Series on the 5 “killer moves” in your golf swing

This is the first in a series of articles, on what I believe are the five “killer moves and positions” of the golf swing.

Please understand that it is my belief that any movement or grossly incorrect position or multiple incorrect positions at 1. address, 2. move away of the swing, 3. at the top of the backswing, 4. transition to downswing, (inability to create an inside swing path), or 5. sustaining the power package in the downswing, WILL negatively effect the all important “impact position”.

These concepts sounds so simple. However, in the 27 years I have been helping students, I see these same violations day in and day out. The continuation of these violated positions and movements are discussed in videos and articles ad nauseum. These five “killer positions” are without a doubt catastrophic and are prominent in the swings of struggling golfers. To be as specific as possible, if you currently are violating one or more of the five, you are probably guaranteeing that you will not reach impact correctly.

To be sure, great players may look different as they execute these swing positions and movements. Swing styles are not of importance, only that the different looks do not become confused with the debilitating “killer moves”.

The next article will concern itself with creating an effective consistent address position. Starting your golf swing correctly and consistently will put you on the fast track to a great golf swing.

I am convinced that a golf swing training aid, such as the Amazing Angle, will help you identify the “killer moves”, eliminate the current behavior and habituate new and effective behavior.

As always, please practice with a purpose!

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Posted by on June 19, 2012 in swing analysis, Swing Basics


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