Tag Archives: Golf instruction

What it means to be an impact based golf instructor !

As a 25 year golf instructor, there are two important pieces of information that I consider every day as I teach new students and work with my regular clientele.

1). There are many DIFFERENT looking golf swings that are very effective,
2). Regardless of what a swing looks like, the players mannerisms, the player must be able to arrive at a functional impact position.

So, to me it is important that a student be able to understand and execute a position at impact that will produce an effective and consistent ball flight.

It seems to me then, that if you want to improve your golf swing or if you are starting out as a new player, you should become proficient at a “chipping” stroke, which for success depends on a perfect impact position. Or as Bobby Clampett, the creator of the “Impact Zone” puts it, you should teach from the “green, back to the tee”.

Perfecting your impact position in a “chipping stroke”, which is a small golf swing, allows the student a chance to become proficient at “impact”, the most critical time of a larger faster golf swing, in a small slow and deliberate training process.

When the “chipping” stroke is mastered the student can move on successfully to larger more sophisticated golf swings and produce consistent, correct impact positions and predictable ball flights.


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The 9 positions and movements of the Amazing Angle swing training system

The following positions and movements are the foundation of the Amazing Angle swing training system !

1. An Effective address Position.
2. Moving the Club Away.
3. Ending the Backswing.
4. Transition, the First Move in the Downswing.
5. “Lagging the Amazing Angle Power Package” in the Downswing.
6. Impact.
7. Post Impact.
8. Straightening the “Triangle”.
9. Straight Balanced Finish.

These 9 positions and movements are the focal points for building or refurbishing your golf swing !

20130607-082242.jpgTop of the back swing



Practicing indoors, outdoors, anytime or anyplace, slowly and deliberately with the Amazing Angle swing training system will make you a better player!

Contact Keith Haley at for more information.

See the next post for a detailed description and explanation of the 9 positions and movements of the Amazing Angle swing training system.


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Teeing it forward, exercise and Smart lessons

Yesterday I remembered an old saying that at that time I probably didn’t fully appreciate. Here it is: “We get too soon old, and too late smart”.

At the risk of “philosophizing”, when I was 21 years old I was 10 feet tall and bullet proof. However, recently after turning 60, I seem to be feeling more vulnerable. The topic of conversation of the people I know, who are about my own age, more than often centers around lack of distance in their drives, and their health problems.

Anyway, you are asking how this relates to this article. Good question. Last week I played golf for 2 days in a row. Thanksgiving and the day before. In Columbus Ohio that is great and I really enjoyed the days. The best part however, were my fellow competitors. I was lucky enough to play with my nephew David who is currently getting ready to complete his playing career at the University of Minnesota, and Ethan Tracy, who just completed a very successful playing career at the University of Arkansas and has just turned professional.

They both hit the ball a mile and both played up to their reputation. It is really fun to watch very good players and I really enjoyed it. I want to say here and now that I learned a valuable lesson watching these guys. For most players, including myself, I firmly believe in the PGAs recommendation to “tee the ball forward”. If you are not familiar with this program, it is a recommendation for most of us to play from a forward tee. I can truly say that playing a forward tee is much more fun and it is great to be able to have a competitive round. In other words, if you are a low handicapper or someone who plays serious competitive golf, play it back. If not, you should consider a forward tee, golf is supposed to be fun!

Now about “Smart Golf Lessons”

Smart Golf Lessons not only deal with swing mechanics, but also maybe more importantly, with how we practice the game. Smart Lessons allow you to start the instruction where you currently are in golf and then build from there.

Not only must you practice the right stuff “slowly and deliberately”, but being stronger and more flexible is also a must if you are serious about maintaining your ability to play well.

I have been fortunate enough to be in a position as a teaching professional to arrange my schedule to my advantage. When I discovered that nature was “taking its due course” as it does with all of us, I started a reasonable exercise program and I am finally reaping some benefits. Eating right and exercising regularly is indeed important to keeping the edge on. I strongly recommend this to all of my students. Seriously, if you can spare one half hour a day for the gym, I can show you how to make a big difference in your golf.

Lecture is over. If you are still unsure about ” Smart Lessons” and what “slow and deliberate” practice is and how it can help your game, lets talk! Contact me at


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Video swing analysis

Have you had your golf swing analyzed by your golf instructor? Some instructors live and die by video analysis. Some instructors use it sparingly. I think it is used most effectively when the instructor is trying to change a particular position or movement. If my student completely understands the reason for the adjustment or change, it is a great way to allow the student to visually appreciate the necessary change and verify it.

I don’t believe that any person must necessarily adopt the look of a certain great player to improve their swing, but if the student is deficient in a certain key position or movement, observing and comparing a great player’s swing video to their current video may well be a good learning tool, and may be vital to improvement.

As always it has been my belief that swing style doesn’t really mean much. “two gloves” Tommy Gainey doesn’t have the best looking golf swing, but he has now won a PGA event, which is good enough for me.

Anyway, my new Smart Golf Lessons will feature V1 video analysis that will fit nicely within the 7 lesson format. I think it will be a very completely centralized way of improving your golf swing, utilizing specifically designed practice with the Amazing Angle and some very interesting swing drills.

So, give me a call to get started soon. Practice slowly and deliberately.


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The Amazing Angle golf swing training system

The Amazing Angle Golf Swing Training System will change the way you practice and play.

Based on 25 years of teaching experience, the designer and developer of the Amazing Angle, PGA teaching professional Keith Haley, guides you on a journey to improved play through a new concept of “slow and deliberate practice”, allowing you to feel correct and effective positions and movements in your golf swing.

The Amazing Angle Swing Training System provides you with an easy to use golf swing trainer, a step by step easy to understand training DVD, and even a V1 video evaluation of your swing with personalized training information.

A totally comprehensive swing improvement program that you can use anytime or anyplace.

1 Comment

Posted by on August 28, 2012 in Training Aids


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