Tag Archives: staying centered

The top of the backswing

As we continue our description of the 5 “killer” movements and positions, I should reiterate the 2 previous “killers”.

1. Address position: if your setup is incorrect you have jeopardized the rest of your swing !
2. Move Away: If your move away is “too handsy”, and seriously “off plane”, with no engagement of an upper body coil, you have jeopardized the rest of your swing !

As the move away continues the left shoulder continues it’s downward and backward movement. We are building a powerful backswing by coiling upper body, maintaining the width of our swing by keeping arms extended, and keeping the body centered. Picture 1, below is a picture of an effective top of the backswing position. Clearly a deeply coiled position with no leakage in potential energy. A centered axis, maximum shoulder rotation and no breakdown of the arm and hand assembly.


Picture 2 below demonstrates the difference between an effective position and a broken down position with plenty of distance and directional control robbing, “killer potential”. No shoulder rotation, improper weight shift, and left arm breakdown, minimizing the width of the swing arc. The chances of making a good impact and ball strike from this top of the backswing position are “zero”.

Coming soon! Look for the new Amazing Angle instructional DVD. It will help you improve your top of the backswing position. Practice with a purpose !


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Posted by on July 18, 2012 in swing analysis


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