Tag Archives: golf swing trainer

Information about the Amazing Angle golf swing trainer

Recently I was asked by a potential purchaser of the Amazing Angle to summarize the reason for its development. This was my explanation.

The Amazing Angle was founded on the principle that by performing many repetitions of a specific training action, that action will eventually be habituated.
When habituated, the action, a position or movement, can then be incorporated into the whole golf swing.

The Amazing Angle is a HEAVY WEIGHTED Swing Trainer. It is to be used in an intentionally slow routine. You must learn new efficient movements and positions, slowly, at 25 mph. for example, then increase the speed to 100 mph.

The Amazing Angle swing training system identifies 7, “in swing positions” and “movements”, P-2 through P-8. In addition, there is one “pre swing” position, Address, P-1, that you should focus on. Any of the “positions” can be “chunked” together to form separate segments of the swing. The most important three segments are, for example, P-1, P-2 & P-3 “chunked together” to practice the “backswing” segment. P-3, P-4, P-5 & P-6 “chunked together” to practice your “downswing and impact” segments, and finally, P-6, P-7, & P-8 “chunked together” to practice “impact to finish” segment.

My research proves that to be successful, each segment must be practiced “slowly and deliberately”, in sets of 10 repetitions, at least 6 times per day. The improvement of your swing, is a direct result of how well you can execute “high quality” and “consistent” repetitions of each “movement and position”.

Pictured is an example of position P5.20121214-090611.jpg

This picture represents a successful “transition” from the end of the backswing to downswing. The Amazing Angle “contact ball” is still connected to the left arm at this point which helps the player culture the feeling of “sustaining lag” or maintaining the “power angle” to impact.

America is discovering the benefit of improving golf swings anywhere and anytime with the Amazing Angle. Please send me an email if you would like more info. Always practice slowly and deliberately.


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The Amazing Angle golf swing training system

The Amazing Angle Golf Swing Training System will change the way you practice and play.

Based on 25 years of teaching experience, the designer and developer of the Amazing Angle, PGA teaching professional Keith Haley, guides you on a journey to improved play through a new concept of “slow and deliberate practice”, allowing you to feel correct and effective positions and movements in your golf swing.

The Amazing Angle Swing Training System provides you with an easy to use golf swing trainer, a step by step easy to understand training DVD, and even a V1 video evaluation of your swing with personalized training information.

A totally comprehensive swing improvement program that you can use anytime or anyplace.

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Posted by on August 28, 2012 in Training Aids


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