Tag Archives: rotation

The benefits of “deliberate practice”

We have discussed the importance of the address position in previous articles. I try to stress why you should, “deliberately practice” your address position, during all regular instruction sessions. Here is why!

Last night as I worked with one of my regular students, I noticed that she was experiencing some inconsistency in her ball striking. Frequency of her lesson schedule is about once a week and she is one of the hardest working practicers I know. In fact, I observed some really great quality shots the previous night as she was working by herself, which she does regularly.

Have you ever had a great round of golf on Saturday, and then not hit more than a few acceptable shots on Sunday? What the heck is going on?

Consider this the next time you find yourself in this situation.

As I explored this mystery with my student, it became very clear that she was, in my opinion, trying too hard to improve on her previous nights success. During that practice session, she had really reached a point where her ball striking was very good and was starting to experience some good length. No doubt she was extremely happy with the progress for the night.

On the very next day, practice prior to her lesson was not so yummy! A little frustration and a lot of anxiety. Trying very hard to improve upon her success was not so successful.

The point is, number one, become familiar with what you did during your last “deliberate practice” to attain that success. What we discovered was that several integral parts of her address position were not being executed properly. Possibly a rush to “hit the ball”.

It is said that Ben Hogan was meticulous at taking notes after a practice round. He would review those notes prior to the next practice session to build on the success. In other words don’t start a practice session or a round of golf without some “deliberate thought”. I don’t see much “deliberate practice” these days at the practice range. It seems like everyone is running hot to hit it 300 yards.

In my students case, a slight lack of attention to detail of the address position nearly derailed that nights lesson. A reexamination of the pelvic tilt, basic posture and distance from the ball, put her right back on track. Success through deliberateness. I doubt this slip up will happen to her again, she is one of the most deliberate practicers that I know.

Improving at golf includes being a real student of the swing, please practice deliberately !

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Posted by on August 2, 2012 in swing analysis


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