Tag Archives: great and powerful swing positions

For full power, finish your backswing !

A few days ago I decided to chronicle my first practice session of the 2014 season. Here is one element of my swing that I discovered quickly that was not allowing great ball contact and a consistent ball flight. It happens to be the 3rd on my list of 7 “swing killer positions and movements” in the Amazing Angle swing training system!

Completing your backswing is the 3rd position in the swing training system. Observe the 2 pictures below provided by V-1 golf.



Note that the shoulders have rotated on a plane that was set up by the original posture position at address. The spine position is stabilized, as shown through a steady head position. The left arm, one of the sides of the original “triangle” at address, has remained “firm”. One important part of this position, if it is going to provide maximum power in the downswing, is the function of the “right shoulder”, for right handed players. We all have been taught that the “left or forward shoulder should be turned at least 90 degrees getting your back turned to the target. For all you seniors especially, experiment with the position of the “right shoulder”. Make sure to feel the right shoulder pull back away from your chest. This will allow for a “fully loaded and coiled” backswing.

Practicing this position in a warm up session with your Amazing Angle swing trainer will prepare you to make a great end of the backswing position!

As always, practice slowly and deliberately!


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