First practice session for 2014

11 Mar


Time to get started ! I hope this will be a great season for you and I. I am now 62 years old and like most other seniors, I am experiencing those inevitable happenings that occur in golf and life that we are not expecting and are certainly not happy about, (ie), loss of distance, being tired, etc.

To combat these inevitabilities, I have done quite a bit of work at the gym this winter doing golf specific exercises, and a significant amount of work on the elliptical, accompanied by regularly applied “slow and deliberate practice” with the Amazing Angle.

Since “golf fitness” has become such a hot topic with tour pros, I have decided to devote some time to this subject as it results to both golf and life, throughout this golf season.

Today however, I am going to state exactly how my first practice session will be conducted. In the next post I will comment on how and how much
the preparation improved my abilities over last season.

To begin, I will be starting the session with a dozen full swing reps with the Amazing Angle, slowly and deliberately ! There will be an effort to create more club head speed by focusing on post impact and a balanced finish. For everyone out there also starting practice soon, I believe it is super important to get off to a good start by trying to focus on moving club head speed from early in the downswing, (incorrect), to later in the swing, impact and post impact. Slow and Deliberate practice can help you focus attention on these positions.

The ball striking portion of this practice will only contain 60 practice balls. Starting out you seniors especially should treat your golf muscles with care.

1) Will devote about 10 practice balls to the line drill with a wedge, chipping mode, concentrating on impact position and “forward divot”. Get the idea in your head early on that the back of the ball will be struck first creating a divot that occurs consistently in front of the line.

2) 10 balls devoted to a pitching stroke, same idea of creating back of the ball contact.

3) 10 balls devoted to full swing mode with pitching wedge.

4) 10 balls devoted to mid iron full swings. Picturing the images of these swing sequences will be very helpful before actually hitting balls.




5) 10 balls devoted to your favorite hybrid.

6) let the “big dog” eat on your last 10 practice balls.

For this practice session especially, I will focus on paying attention to “back of the ball” contact during each of these segments, while trying to get my speed to occur later in my swing.

The next post will provide details of my results. We will see how “slow and deliberate” practice pays off! For those not familiar with the concept of deliberate practice, check out my website.



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